Private Investigator Surveillance Techniques
As a professional private detective in Wolverhampton, Reveal PI uses a wide range of surveillance strategies in order to carry out investigations and achieve the desired results. The approach taken can include direct observation, electronic surveillance, technical surveillance, and other methods depending on the details of the case. For instance, investigating personal injury claims may require a different strategy to gathering evidence on a cheating spouse. Whatever the nature of the investigation, we treat it as unique and determine which type of surveillance strategy to use before commencing any surveillance services.
The Ethics of Surveillance
A private investigator can’t simply take on a job and away they go, as a surveillance strategy needs to be designed around ethics and a strict code of conduct. Key factors include safe practices that prevent harm or distress to those under surveillance, respect for the privacy of people who are not the subject of investigation, legal compliance, confidentiality, professionalism and accountability. In addition, proportionality will always be in place – a private investigator must be able to prove that the surveillance services employed were proportionate to the objectives of the investigation.
Types of Surveillance Strategies
As mentioned above, the format of the surveillance we carry out will depend on the nature of the investigation. Below are some common examples of surveillance strategies.
Direct Observation / Physical Surveillance
Covert surveillance involves one or more members of our team making themselves indiscernible from the public so that they can observe the actions of the individual under investigation. Direct observation includes using industry-leading equipment such as long-lens and body-worn cameras, which allow us to gather high-quality footage without drawing attention to ourselves.
Digital Surveillance
Using a person or a vehicle isn’t always possible, so where suitable, we use sophisticated equipment to gather additional information and evidence. These devices may obtain audio footage or provide a visual but they usually take the form of small devices with an independent power source which allow them to be deployed in covert locations. Investigators will often create bespoke housing (sometimes known as a hide) for the equipment, specific to each task. Effective use of technical surveillance devices can allow investigators functionality such as; continuous monitoring, motion detection, remote viewing and the opportunity to have eyes or ears in a location which is unsuitable for a covert surveillance operator.
Rural Surveillance / Covert Rural Observations Post Surveillance (CROPS)
The landscape of an investigation can often present challenges and limit the options available to a private investigator. When choosing a surveillance strategy for observations in rural locations, the team may not be able to park a vehicle without standing out or raising suspicion. One specialist surveillance technique is known in the industry as CROPS, these surveillance operators specialist in concealing themselves outdoors.
GPS Tracking
Where required, a GPS tracking device can be discreetly attached to a vehicle so that our private investigators can monitor the subject’s movements and detect patterns of behaviour. As well as providing key data, this can also help us to establish a routine and determine an appropriate time of day for direct observation at a particular site. The primary use of electronic tracking devices is to support covert surveillance teams by allowing them to follow a subject’s vehicle from a larger distance. Increasing the distance between investigators and subject vehicles reduces exposure and increases the shelf-life of an investigator’s role.
Types of Investigations and Cases that Need Surveillance
There are numerous circumstances where surveillance strategies can be suitably and ethically employed, such as:
Child custody
In the case of child custody, such as concern over whether your ex-partner is following the restrictions put in place, a surveillance strategy may be the solution.
Benefit fraud
We regularly conduct benefit fraud and insurance fraud investigations, which can involve multiple tactics as part of a comprehensive surveillance strategy.
Cheating spouse
If you believe you have a cheating spouse, an infidelity investigation may be required.
Employee absence
When a member of your team is deliberately undermining the company, an employee investigation can provide you with quantifiable evidence.
Need help from a private investigator?
When you require a professional and compliant surveillance strategy, which could include direct observation, technical surveillance, background checks and other investigative methods, we’re your trusted and versatile private detective in Wolverhampton. To find out how we can help, call Reveal PI today on 0330 808 9344 or get in touch using our contact form.