Sales staff are often given the freedom to spend their time with clients rather than in the office and this freedom works for many but unfortunately is abused by some. An employer asked us to determine whether a member of his sales team was lying about the hours he was working, we discussed the possible options and worked closely with their HR director to establish what criteria we would need to prove the employee was lying and what steps we would have to take. Looking through the employment contract we agreed that the staff member needed to be informed that due to performance related issues the company had the right to launch an investigation, once he had been informed the company waited a short period of time and felt that the performance had not improved and that the investigation was warranted. As the staff member had been informed an investigation may take place we took extra precaution to prevent our team from compromised, the use of the vehicle tracker allowed us to pursue him from a safe distance and confirm that he was lying about the hours he was working and also coercing clients he had a good relationship with to corroborate his story.
Injury At Work Claim
CBF Contacted us when one of their employee’s filed a claim for discrimination and unfair dismissal, he had sustained an injury at work and claimed