After a burglary at our clients premises the owner noticed that one of the burglars had turned the alarm off, there was no CCTV of the event but the owner had set the alarm personally so he knew it must have been deactivated. The police conducted their investigation and concluded there was a lack of evidence so the owner asked us to administer lie detector tests to a few of his staff. We asked the staff if they had shared the alarm code with anybody and all of them answered no, the examiner then asked if they were aware of any other employees involvement in the burglary and found that one of them was not being entirely truthful. The employee eventually explained he knew one of the staff who wasn’t sitting a lie detector test had mentioned giving the alarm code to somebody he owed money to as an act of repayment.
Lie Detector Test
Did my husband have an affair?
When a husband with a checkered past came home from work late, his pregnant wife questioned him and was told he had been working late. Unbeknown to him, his wife had panicked when he wouldn’t answer her calls and driven to his office to see all the lights out and no sign of his vehicle. He claimed he was innocent and agreed to take a polygraph test but what did the results show?